Sunday, March 2, 2008


And lots of it! We have had something like 38.5mm of rain in the last 24 hours, and at certain times it has just been coming straight down and so heavy!
Needless to say our family bbq as an early celebration for Finn's birthday had to held inside today. But the 6 little kids behaved, and a great time was had by all. Have yet to download the photos, maybe next post.
Now a busy week ahead .... then a very cool weekend away! Can't wait!


Vicki said...

Its one of those no win situations. Yes we need the rain but could it not be on a day when its a birthday party/BBQ. Looking forward to seeing what you did for the party.

Julie said...

Oh but wasn't it good to see the rain? Bad timing for you tho. the grass is green again lol